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Self-hosted (On-premise or Cloud) Runners

GitHub Actions, GitLab CI/CD, and Bitbucket Pipelines workflows are executed on "native" runners (hosted by GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket respectively) by default. However, there are many great reasons to use your own runners: to take advantage of GPUs, orchestrate your team's shared computing resources, or train in the cloud.

For background information on self-hosted runners, see the official documentation from GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket.

Allocating Cloud Compute Resources with CML

When a workflow requires computational resources (such as GPUs), CML can automatically allocate cloud instances using cml runner. You can spin up instances on AWS, Azure, GCP, or Kubernetes (see below). Alternatively, you can connect any other compute provider or on-premise (local) machine.

For example, the following workflow deploys a p2.xlarge instance on AWS EC2 and trains a model on the instance. After the job runs, the instance automatically shuts down.

You might notice that this workflow is quite similar to the basic use case. The only addition is cml runner and a few environment variables for passing your cloud compute credentials to the workflow.

Note that cml runner will also automatically restart your jobs (whether from a GitHub Actions 35 day workflow timeout or an AWS EC2 spot instance interruption).

name: CML
on: [push]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: iterative/setup-cml@v1
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Deploy runner on EC2
          REPO_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
          AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
        run: |
          cml runner launch \
              --cloud=aws \
              --cloud-region=us-west \
              --cloud-type=p2.xlarge \
    needs: launch-runner
    runs-on: [self-hosted, cml-gpu]
    timeout-minutes: 50400 # 35 days
      image: docker://iterativeai/cml:0-dvc2-base1-gpu
      options: --gpus all
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Train model
          REPO_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
        run: |
          pip install -r requirements.txt
          python  # generate plot.png

          # Create CML report
          cat metrics.txt >>
          echo '![](./plot.png "Confusion Matrix")' >>
          cml comment create
  image: iterativeai/cml:0-dvc2-base1
    - |
      cml runner launch \
          --cloud=aws \
          --cloud-region=us-west \
          --cloud-type=p2.xlarge \
          --cloud-spot \
  needs: [launch-runner]
  tags: [cml-gpu]
  image: iterativeai/cml:0-dvc2-base1-gpu
    - pip install -r requirements.txt
    - python # generate plot.png
    # Create CML report
    - cat metrics.txt >>
    - echo '![](./plot.png "Confusion Matrix")' >>
    - cml comment create
    - step:
        image: iterativeai/cml:0-dvc2-base1
          - |
            cml runner launch \
                --cloud=aws \
                --cloud-region=us-west \
                --cloud-type=m5.2xlarge \
                --cloud-spot \
    - step:
        runs-on: [self.hosted, cml.runner]
        image: iterativeai/cml:0-dvc2-base1
        # GPU not yet supported, see
          - pip install -r requirements.txt
          - python # generate plot.png
          # Create CML report
          - cat metrics.txt >>
          - echo '![](./plot.png "Confusion Matrix")' >>
          - cml comment create

In the workflow above, the launch-runner job launches an EC2 p2.xlarge instance in the us-west region. The train-and-report job then runs on the newly-launched instance. See Environment Variables below for details on the secrets required.

Docker Images

The CML Docker images (docker://iterativeai/cml or docker:// come loaded with Python, CUDA, git, node and other essentials for full-stack data science. Different versions of these essentials are available from different iterativeai/cml image tags. The tag convention is {CML_VER}-dvc{DVC_VER}-base{BASE_VER}{-gpu}:

{BASE_VER}Software included (-gpu)
0Ubuntu 18.04, Python 2.7 (CUDA 10.1, CuDNN 7)
1Ubuntu 20.04, Python 3.8 (CUDA 11.0.3, CuDNN 8)

For example, docker://iterativeai/cml:0-dvc2-base1-gpu, or docker://

Using your own custom Docker images: To use commands such as cml comment create, make sure to install CML in your Docker image.


The cml runner command supports many options (see the command reference). Notable options are:

  • --labels=<...>: One or more (comma-delimited) labels (e.g. cml,gpu).
  • --idle-timeout=<seconds>: Seconds to wait for jobs before terminating.
  • --single: Terminate runner after one workflow run.
  • --reuse: Don't launch a new runner if an existing one has the same name or overlapping labels.
  • --cloud={aws,azure,gcp,kubernetes}: Cloud compute provider to host the runner.
  • --cloud-type={m,l,xl,m+k80,m+v100,...}: Instance type. Also accepts native types such as t2.micro.
  • --cloud-gpu={nogpu,k80,v100,tesla}: GPU type.
  • --cloud-hdd-size=<...>: Disk storage in GB.
  • --cloud-spot: Request a preemptible spot instance.
  • --cloud-spot-price=<...>: Maximum spot instance USD bidding price.
  • --cloud-region={us-west,us-east,eu-west,eu-north,...}: Region where the instance is deployed. Also accepts native AWS/Azure region or GCP zone.
  • --cloud-permission-set=<...>: AWS instance profile or GCP instance service account.

Check out the full cml runner command reference.

Environment Variables

Sensitive values like cloud and repository credentials can be provided through environment variables with the aid of GitHub secrets, GitLab masked variables (or external secrets for added security), or Bitbucket secured user-defined variables.

You will need to create a personal access token (PAT) with enough permissions to register self-hosted runners. In the GitHub example workflow above, this token is stored as PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN.

If using the --cloud option, you will also need to provide access credentials for your cloud compute resources as secrets (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY in the above example).

Personal Access Token

This token serves as a repository access credential, and is especially required for cml runner to function.

Use either:

Ideally, you should not use personal access tokens from your own account, as they grant access to all your repositories. Instead, it's highly recommended to create a separate bot account that only has access to the repositories where you plan to deploy runners to. Bot accounts are the same as normal user accounts, with the only difference being the intended use case.


For instance, to use a personal access token:

  1. Generate a new personal access token under GitHub developer settings
    • in the "Note" field, type PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN
    • select repo scope
    • click "Generate token" and copy it
  2. In your GitHub repository and/or organization, navigate to Settings โ†’ Secrets โ†’ New repository/organization secret
    • in the "Name" field, type PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN
    • in the "Value" field, paste the token
    • click "Add secret"

Step 2 can also be used for adding other secrets such as cloud access credentials.


Alternatively, a GitHub App ID (CML_GITHUB_APP_ID) and private key (CML_GITHUB_APP_PEM) can be used to generate a token on-the-fly, as shown in the example below:

  - uses: navikt/github-app-token-generator@v1
    id: get-token
      private-key: ${{ secrets.CML_GITHUB_APP_PEM }}
      app-id: ${{ secrets.CML_GITHUB_APP_ID }}
  - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      token: ${{ steps.get-token.outputs.token }}
  - name: Train model
      REPO_TOKEN: ${{ steps.get-token.outputs.token }}
    run: |
      cml comment create

Note that the Apps require the following write permissions:

  • Repository permissions (if used on a per-repo basis)
  • Organization permissions (if used on an org)

Use either:

For instance, to use a personal access token:

  1. Navigate to User Settings โ†’ Access Tokens

    • in the "Name" field, type REPO_TOKEN
    • select api, read_repository and write_repository
    • click "Create personal access token" and copy it

    personal access token

  2. In your GitLab project, navigate to Settings โ†’ CI/CD โ†’ Variables โ†’ Add Variable

    ci cd navigation

    • in the "Key" field, type REPO_TOKEN
    • in the "Value" field, paste your Personal Access Token
    • select "Mask variable"
    • deselect "Protect variable"
    • click "Add variable" at the bottom of the dialog box

Step 2 can also be used for adding other masked variables such as cloud access credentials.

Bitbucket Cloud does not use access tokens. Instead, create a REPO_TOKEN variable with a Base64 encoded username and password.

Use either:

  • your username and a Bitbucket Cloud App Password with Read permission for Account and Write permission for Pull requests, Pipelines, and Runners, or
  • create a designated "CI/CD" bot account for CML authentication. Bot accounts are the same as normal user accounts, with the only difference being the intended use case: you limit the account to only access the repositories where you plan to deploy runners to.

In either case, the steps to create a REPO_TOKEN are:

  1. Use a Base64 encoder of your choice to encode a Bitbucket username and password:
    • echo -n $USERNAME:$PASSWORD | base64. The -n ensures the base64 does not contain the trailing newline that echo adds by default.
    • copy the resulting Base64 token
  2. In your repository, go to Repository Settings โ†’ Repository Variables
    • in the "Name" field, type REPO_TOKEN
    • in the "Value" field, paste the Base64 token
    • select Secured to hide credentials in all Bitbucket logs

Step 2 can also be used for adding other secured variables such as cloud access credentials.

Cloud Compute Resource Credentials

Note that you will also need to provide access credentials of your compute resources. In the above example, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are required to deploy EC2 instances.

Click below to see credentials needed for supported compute providers.

  • AWS_SESSION_TOKEN (optional)

See the AWS credentials docs for obtaining these keys.


Either one of:

  • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_DATA: the contents of a service account JSON file, or

The former is more convenient for CI/CD scenarios, where secrets are (usually) provisioned through environment variables instead of files.

  • KUBERNETES_CONFIGURATION: the contents of a kubeconfig file.

The same credentials can also be used for configuring cloud storage.

GitLab CI/CD and container images from private registries

See also the GitLab documentation for more information.

GitLab CI/CD Environment Variables

DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG{"credHelpers": {"": "ecr-login"}}
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_IDAWS access key identifier
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEYAWS secret access key
AWS_SESSION_TOKENAWS session token (optional)
REPO_TOKENGitLab Personal Access Token


  when: always
  image: iterativeai/cml
    - cml runner --labels=cml --cloud=aws

  tags: [cml]
  needs: [runner]
    - echo succeeded

Replace the ACCOUNT, REGION, REPOSITORY and TAG placeholders with appropriate values.

GitLab CI/CD Environment Variables

DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG{"credHelpers": {"": "gcr"}}
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_DATAContents of a Google Cloud service account JSON key file
REPO_TOKENGitLab Personal Access Token


  when: always
  image: iterativeai/cml
    - cml runner --labels=cml --cloud=gcp --cloud-permission-set="$(printenv

  tags: [cml]
  needs: [runner]
    - echo succeeded

Replace the LOCATION, PROJECT, REPOSITORY, IMAGE and TAG placeholders with appropriate values.

This example uses the new Artifact Registry (i.e. any of the domains) instead of the old Container Registry (i.e. the domain) but instructions are similar for both.

On-premise (Local) Runners

The cml runner command can also be used to manually set up a local machine, on-premise GPU cluster, or any other cloud compute resource as a self-hosted runner. To do this:

  • remove the cml runner launch ... --cloud=aws --labels=cml-gpu command from your CI workflow
  • install CML on your local machine, and run:
$ cml runner launch \
  --repo="$REPOSITORY_URL" \
  --labels="cml-gpu" \
  --idle-timeout="never"  # or "3min", "1h", etc..

Your machine will wait for and run CI jobs from your repository (note that the --cloud option is removed).

If your CI workflow uses a Docker image, you will need to have Docker installed on your local machine. The CML runner will automatically pull images onto your local machine and run workflows in temporary containers.

Anyone with push/PR access to your repository (potentially everybody for public repositories) may be able to execute arbitrary code on your machine. Refer to the corresponding GitHub and GitLab documentation for additional guidance.


If cml runner fails with a Terraform error message, setting the environment variable TF_LOG_PROVIDER=DEBUG may yield more information.

In very rare cases, you may need to clean up CML cloud resources manually. An example of such a problem can be seen when an EC2 instance ran out of storage space.

The following is a list of all the resources you may need to manually clean up in the case of a failure:

  • The running instance (named with pattern cml-{random-id})
  • The volume attached to the running instance (this should delete itself after terminating the instance)
  • The generated key-pair (named with pattern cml-{random-id})

If you encounter these edge cases create a GitHub Issue with as much detail as possible. If possible link your workflow in the issue or provide an example of your workflow's YAML.

Additionally, try to capture and include logs from the instance:

For easy local access and debugging on the cml runner instance check our example on using the --cloud-startup-script option.

Then you can run the following:

$ ssh ubuntu@instance_public_ip
$ sudo journalctl -n all -u cml.service --no-pager > cml.log
$ sudo dmesg --ctime > system.log

Please check your cml.log and censor potentially sensitive entries (e.g. IP addresses and Git repository names).

You can then copy those logs to your local machine with:

$ scp ubuntu@instance_public_ip:~/cml.log .
$ scp ubuntu@instance_public_ip:~/system.log .

There is a chance that the instance could be severely broken if the SSH command hangs โ€” if that happens reboot it from the web console and try the commands again.